Rams Are Coming Back to St. Louis!

St. Louis Rams fans it’s PAYBACK TIME!  The sale of the Rams to Los Angeles is VOID due to FRAUD by Stan Kroenke with Central Bank of MO.


Rams sale in 1995 is VOID due to a R.I.C.O monopoly and fraud by Stan Kroenke

Did the NFL know?

Money from Rams Sale to Be Returned to St. Louis City

Stan Kroenke to be Charged with Fraud

Join the Movement and RETURN THE RAMS TO ST. LOUIS!!

Stan Kroenke FBI Investigation


Why is the Rams sale VOID?

Stan Kroenke submitted false documents on April 13th 1995 to the N.F.L. Along with bank fraud, bribery of a federal official, and securities fraud.   

Who is involved in the R.I.C.O.?

Stand Kroenke, MO Central Bank, Federal Judge Douglass Harpool, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Law Firm Vetter, Doerhoff, and Landwehr   

What is the financial impact?

Billions of dollars will be retuned to the people of St. Louis. All MO Central Bank loans will be null and void, relieving thousand of their monthly payments.

Access the 200 page ‘Smoking Gun’ Criminal Complaint